The Pune police on Tuesday morning detained the father of a 17-year-old teenager involved in a Fatal Porsche Crash that claimed the lives of two people. The arrest took place in Maharashtra’s Aurangabad. According to a senior official, the boy’s father, a builder by profession, is being transported to Pune where he is likely to be formally arrested.
The father, along with the owners of two restaurants and their staff, were booked on Monday under relevant sections of the Motor Vehicles Act (MVA) and Juvenile Justice Act (JJA). The incident has drawn significant attention due to the involvement of a minor and the severe consequences of the crash.
The fatal Porsche Crash occurred in the early hours of Sunday morning in Pune’s Kalyani Nagar area. The 17-year-old was driving a luxury Porsche that collided with a motorcycle, resulting in the instant deaths of Anis Awadhiya and Ashwini Costa. CCTV footage of the crash revealed that the Porsche was traveling at an estimated speed of 200 kmph in a narrow lane, exacerbating the tragic outcome.
Following the accident, the Pune police acted swiftly, detaining the teenager’s father and charging him under several legal provisions. The father’s involvement in permitting his underage son to drive has been a focal point of the investigation. Additionally, the restaurant owners and their staff are facing charges for allegedly facilitating the circumstances that led to the underage driving incident.
The investigation is ongoing, and further details are expected to emerge as the police continue their inquiries and legal proceedings. This is a developing stories.
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