In the Pune Porsche Crash Case, the district court has remanded the parents of the minor accused to police custody until June 10. Additionally, Dr. Srihari Halnor, Dr. Ajay Taware, and hospital staffer Atul Ghatkamble have been placed in custody until June 7.
The Pune Police presented the minor’s parents, along with two Sassoon Hospital doctors, Dr. Ajay Taware and Dr. Srihari Halnor, and staff member Atul Ghatkamble, before the court. All five individuals were arrested on charges related to manipulating the blood samples of the minor accused involved in the accident.
A couple in Pune tragically lost their lives on Saturday evening when a speeding Porsche, allegedly driven by a 17-year-old son of a prominent local builder, collided with their motorcycle. The accident occurred in Koregaon Park as a group of friends were returning home from a party in Kalyani Nagar. At the Kalyani Nagar junction, the Porsche struck one of the bikes, causing the two riders to be thrown from the vehicle and die instantly.
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