The 17-year-old teenager involved in the Pune Porsche incident that killed two techies has submitted a 300-word essay on road safety to the Juvenile Justice Board , fulfilling his bail requirements, according to an official on Friday.

After May 19 accident in Kalyani Nagar, the JJB sent him into the care of his parents and asked to write the essay as part of his bail. A public outcry ensued over his apparent generous bail conditions, forcing the police to request a change from the JJB. On May 22, the board sent him to an observation home.

However, the High Court finally ruled that his detention was unconstitutional and emphasized the need of properly enforcing juvenile justice rules, resulting in his release. Meanwhile, on July 2, a Pune court granted bail to the juvenile’s father and grandfather, who were accused of kidnapping and illegally detaining their family driver, compelling him to accept blame for the tragedy.