Pune juvenile court on Wednesday revoked the bail of the 17-year-old accused who collided his Porsche into a motorcycle from behind, resulting in the deaths of two young techies in Pune. The Juvenile Justice Board has sent the minor accused to a rehabilitation home/observation home until June 5.

This decision comes amidst significant public outrage over the court’s previous decision to grant bail to the accused within 15 hours under the Juvenile Justice Act, with lenient conditions including 15 days of community service with the Yerwada traffic police, composing a 300-word reflective essay on the accident and its consequences, and undergoing psychiatric counseling. Additionally, the accused, who allegedly was under the influence of alcohol, was instructed to seek medical assistance to stop drinking.

Earlier in the day, a Pune court ordered the father of the accused to two-day police custody until May 24. The father, a prominent builder, faces charges of allowing his son to drive his high-end car despite knowing that the latter lacked a driver’s license, had no training to operate the vehicle, and had consumed alcohol. The builder was apprehended from a lodge in Sambhajinagar, while his driver and associate were apprehended from a hotel.

Attempting to evade the authorities, the builder tried to deceive the police after fleeing the city. He dispatched one of his vehicles to Mumbai and another to Goa. Despite borrowing a vehicle from an associate, it contained a GPS device.

What occurred on the fatal night?

The accident took place around 2:30 am on Sunday when the 17-year-old, driving a Porsche Taycan at a speed of 160 km/h at the time of the crash, collided with a motorcycle from behind in Kalyaninagar. The collision resulted in the deaths of Anish Awadhia and Ashwini Kosta, both 24-year-old techies from Madhya Pradesh.

Prior to the accident, the teenager and his friends consumed alcohol at two pubs in the city – Cosie and Blak Mariott. At Cosie, which they visited at 10:40 pm on Saturday evening, the teenager spent Rs 48,000 in 90 minutes. They then proceeded to the second pub, Blak Mariott, at 12:10 am after Cosie ceased serving them.

Other Arrests made so far

The police also apprehended Naman Bhutada (25), the proprietor of the Cosie pub in Mundhwa, and Sachin Kaatkar (35), a staff member at the establishment. Additionally, Sandip Sangle (35), an assistant restaurant manager at the Blak Marriott pub, also situated in Mundhwa, has been detained. The underage driver had purportedly frequented these venues to socialize with his friends prior to the tragic accident.