In a veiled dig at Congress leader Kamal Nath, Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan said on Monday that “so-called” secularists who were once afraid of taking Lord Ram’s name due to obvious “compulsions” are now chanting Hanuman Chalisa to reach out to Hindus. He credited this “change” in their stand to the “charismatic” leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi.
Speaking at an event, Chouhan said the BJP will retain power in the upcoming assembly elections in MP with the “biggest-ever victory margin” and ruled out anti-incumbency and voter fatigue against the BJP. He also justified “bulldozer action” against criminals, especially those involved in crimes against girls and women. “Neither there is anti-incumbency nor there is any fatigue. We will come back to power with a record majority, which will be the biggest so far,” Chouhan said while responding to a query.
Responding to a query on Kamal Nath purportedly embracing symbols of Hinduism associated with the BJP, Chouhan said, “I consider it a major success as the so-called secularists who were afraid of taking the name of Lord Ram because of compulsions are now reciting Hanuman Chalisa, chanting Hindu-Hindu, and coming back to the mainstream”.
Notably, Nath had hosted the recital of Hanuman Chalisa at his residence in the past. Recently, he appeared to support the “Hindu rashtra” proposition by observing that 82% of the population of India is Hindu. When asked whether the bulldozer action, which involves razing illegal properties of criminals, is contrary to his “soft” image, Chouhan said, “Such action is necessary against those involved in crimes, especially against girls and women”.
When asked whether the BJP would have a tacit electoral understanding with parties like AAP, AIMIM, and BSP to cut into the opposition’s votes in Madhya Pradesh, Chouhan said, “AAP and Congress have joined the India bloc because of Modi’s popularity”. He said the BJP’s campaign platform would be the development and welfare of people.