In Amritsar, members of Shiromani Akali Dal (Amritsar) led protests against the film. Police were deployed outside the PVR Suraj Chanda Tara Cinema, where large numbers of protesters gathered. In Jalandhar, Sikh activists disrupted advance bookings and pressured cinema managers to halt screenings. Commissioner of Police Swapan Sharma confirmed heightened security around multiplexes, adding that authorities were advised against screening the movie to prevent law and order issues.
In Mohali, protests outside malls and multiplexes led the district administration to direct mall owners not to screen the film. Similar demonstrations were reported in Bathinda, where the city’s only multiplex canceled screenings and refunded tickets after mounting pressure from protesters. The controversy extends beyond the film itself. Protesters recalled Kangana Ranaut’s contentious remarks during the 2020 farmers’ protest and a past altercation involving a CISF constable at Chandigarh airport, further fueling tensions.
Punjab Congress chief Amarinder Singh Raja Warring also criticized the film, alleging it distorted facts for dramatic effect. “Such films twist facts for entertainment and harm the country’s brotherhood. Governments and censor boards should monitor these movies closely,” Warring said. Despite its nationwide release, *Emergency* remains off screens in most parts of Punjab, reflecting the strong opposition from Sikh organizations and local authorities.
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The renowned filmmaker passed away at the age of 78.
Born in Lincolnshire in 1929, Plowright made her stage debut in 1954.