Congress General Secretary Priyanka Gandhi officially launched her political career on Wednesday by signing her nomination papers for the upcoming Lok Sabha bypoll in Wayanad. This by-election was necessitated after Rahul Gandhi, who won from both the Wayanad and Rae Bareli constituencies, chose to vacate the Wayanad seat.
South Korean investigators and police were blocked by security forces during an attempt to arrest…
The Biden administration announces the removal of Cuba from the US terrorism list, reversing Trump-era…
NATO has unveiled Baltic Sentry, a mission to safeguard undersea cables in the Baltic Sea,…
The 14th case of H5N1 bird flu this season has been reported in Israel's Jezreel…
Israeli airstrikes hit Gaza's Deir al-Balah and Rafah, killing 15 Palestinians, including a woman, and…
Following talks with the Vatican, Cuba will release 553 prisoners. While praising US sanctions easing,…