The Principal of Adarsh Vidya Prasarak Sanstha (AVPS) nursery in Badlapur, Thane, where two girls were allegedly sexually assaulted, has been suspended, according to Maharashtra Minister Girish Mahajan. Additionally, two other individuals from the school have been suspended. The minister also mentioned that those responsible for the delay in addressing the case, including the inspector, have been suspended.

The situation escalated as protesters, including parents and locals, vandalized the school and held a large demonstration at Badlapur station, disrupting local train services. “I believe that a solution will soon be found as all problems have a solution. The agitation has been going on for six hours and trains are blocked. An SIT has been formed, principal and two other people at the school have been suspended. The case has been fast-tracked. All those responsible for the delay and the inspector have been suspended,” Mahajan stated at the station.

Maharashtra Chief Minister Eknath Shinde confirmed that an SIT has been established to investigate the case. He noted, “I spoke to the police commissioner and was told that the accused has been arrested. Whoever is found guilty will not be spared. Instructions have been given to apply all the sections that can be applied on the accused.”

Shinde further assured that the case would be concluded within two months to prevent such incidents from recurring. He also mentioned that the officer who delayed the case registration has been dismissed, and some of his colleagues, including the senior inspector, have been suspended.

Action has been taken against the school for hiring individuals without proper verification. “Their verification should be done. The government is also running a campaign for safe sisters along with Ladli Behna. All our sisters should not feel unsafe. Strict action will be taken,” Shinde added.

He emphasized that the government stands with the affected family. “We consider them our family. The family is scared but the government is with them,” Shinde concluded.