President Droupadi Murmu on Thursday made her first address to a joint sitting of Parliament after Lok Sabha polls. There she spoke about the recent controversy regarding the NEET exam and said that the NDA government was committed to holding a fair investigation into the recent incidents of paper leaks and allegations of irregularities in competitive exams.

She also praised the people of Jammu and Kashmir for their voter turnout during the Lok Sabha Elections and said they gave a befitting response to India’s enemies.

Here are the top quotes

It is a continuous effort of the government to ensure that the youth of the country gets adequate opportunity to display their talent. My government is committed to a fair investigation of the recent incidents of paper leaks as well as stringent punishment for the guilty.

Decades-long records of voting were broken in Jammu and Kashmir, which earlier saw low voting amid shutdowns and strikes. The people gave a befitting reply to India’s enemies who propagated as Kashmir’s opinion in international forums.

Emergency was the biggest and darkest chapter of the direct attack on the Constitution. The entire country plunged into chaos during the Emergency, but the nation was victorious against such unconstitutional powers.

Opposition of policies and obstruction of parliamentary functioning are two different things. When Parliament conducts its business smoothly, healthy deliberations take place here, and far-reaching decisions are taken.

With the reforms that have taken place in the last 10 years and the new confidence that has been infused in the country, we have gained new momentum to make India a developed nation.

My government is going to take one more decision that all the elderly above 70 years of age will get the benefit of free treatment under the Ayushman Bharat scheme.

For a capable India, modernity in our armed forces is essential and we should be the best in the face of war. To ensure this, the process of reforms should go on continuously in the armed forces.

My government is developing affordable and Indigenous assistive devices for divyang brothers and sisters and integrating social security schemes for workers. It is because of the government schemes that 25 crore Indians have come out of poverty in the last 10 years.

Government has started granting citizenship to refugees under CAA law and I wish for a better future for such people.

Government is working for lasting peace in Northeast and several old problems addressed in last 10 years. It is also working for gradual removal of AFSPA.