All the parties in Uttar Pradesh have started sharpening their preparations for the 2024 Lok Sabha elections. The Congress party, which is marginalized in the politics of the state, has intensified its efforts to revive itself before the Lok Sabha elections. Along with strengthening the state organization, a roadmap has been prepared to contest elections and create impact in some parliamentary constituencies. Meanwhile, speculations about Priyanka Gandhi Vadra contesting from Phulpur Lok Sabha seat have also intensified. Congress have put up posters of Priyanka Gandhi in the Phulpur Lok Sabha constituency. In the poster, they described Priyanka Gandhi as a storm of hope. Phulpur was the parliamentary seat of the country’s first Prime Minister Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru. The poster also has pictures of former Prime Ministers Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru and Indira Gandhi.
The notable fact is that this poster portraying Priyanka as election contender from Phulpur has been put up by the President of the Backward Class and Minority Class of Prayagraj Congress Party. Backward Class city president Haseen Ahmed, who put up the poster, said that it is not only our officials but also the desire of the local people of Prayagraj that Priyanka Gandhi Vadra should maintain her legacy by contesting the Lok Sabha elections from Phulpur.
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