Pune Police have been authorized by Maharashtra’s Chief Minister to appeal to the Supreme Court against a Bombay High Court ruling that ordered the immediate release of a 17-year-old boy implicated in a fatal Porsche car accident. The High Court had declared the detention of the juvenile illegal, leading to his release from an observation home in Pune city.
The incident, which occurred on May 19 in Kalyani Nagar, resulted in the deaths of two IT professionals when the Porsche, allegedly driven by the intoxicated teenager, collided with a two-wheeler. Initially granted bail on the same day by the Juvenile Justice Board (JJB), the boy was later remanded to an observation home following public outcry and subsequent legal challenges by the police.
The High Court’s decision, issued on June 25 in response to a petition by the boy’s aunt claiming illegal detention, prompted immediate release and placement under the custody of his paternal aunt. Notably, the boy’s parents and grandfather are currently detained in separate cases related to the incident, including allegations of tampering with blood samples and wrongful detention of a family driver.
A Pune court is set to announce its decision on Monday regarding the bail applications of the boy’s father and grandfather in connection with the driver’s alleged kidnapping.
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