West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee expressed her joy following the Supreme Court’s decision to grant interim bail to Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal until June 1 in the excise policy case. Mamata Banerjee shared her happiness on a social media platform, stating, “I am very happy to see that Shri Arvind Kejriwal @ArvindKejriwal has got interim bail. It will be very helpful in the context of the current elections.”
Aaditya Thackeray also voiced his support for Kejriwal on social media, saying, “@ArvindKejriwal ji getting justice and relief against the dictatorial regime in the country is a huge sign of winds of change. He has been speaking the truth and that is what the BJP dislikes. More power to him and the INDIA alliance for Bharat. We will protect our Constitution and democracy!”
Delhi Minister and AAP leader Atishi hailed the Supreme Court’s decision, stating, “It is not just Arvind Kejriwal who has got interim bail but by Supreme Court’s this decision truth has triumphed, this is a win of the Democracy & Constitution…The SC has played a major role in protecting Democracy.”
Arvind Kejriwal, the National Convenor of the Aam Aadmi Party and Delhi Chief Minister, received a significant reprieve from the Supreme Court, which granted him interim bail until June 1 in the excise policy case. The bench of Justices Sanjiv Khanna and Dipankar Dutta granted Kejriwal interim bail in the money laundering case filed by the Enforcement Directorate (ED) related to the Delhi excise policy case.
The bench had indicated earlier that it might grant interim bail to Kejriwal to allow him to campaign for the upcoming Lok Sabha elections. However, it also stated that if interim bail were granted, Kejriwal would not be permitted to carry out any official duties as Chief Minister.
The Enforcement Directorate had opposed Kejriwal’s bail in the Supreme Court, arguing against any special treatment due to his position as Chief Minister. Solicitor General Tushar Mehta, representing the ED, questioned whether the Supreme Court was making exceptions for politicians.
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