Amid escalating tensions between the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) and the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), fresh developments have emerged in the case involving the alleged assault of Rajya Sabha MP Swati Maliwal. Delhi Police sources revealed on Sunday their contemplation of adding charges for the destruction of evidence to the case.

The decision follows accusations by Maliwal, former chairperson of the Delhi Commission for Women (DCW), that Bibhav Kumar, the arrested aide, tampered with CCTV footage from the CM’s Civil Lines residence. Maliwal alleges that this footage would have substantiated her claims of assault.

According to sources within the Delhi Police, Kumar, arrested on Saturday, has been uncooperative during the investigation. He was produced before the Tis Hazari Court, which granted police custody for five days to further interrogate him. Kumar faces accusations of assaulting Maliwal and is under scrutiny for additional leads.

Investigators suspect Kumar may have disposed of or reformatted relevant phone data in Mumbai. They plan to take him there, aided by forensic experts, to attempt data retrieval. Additionally, Kumar might be taken to the CM’s Civil Lines residence in Delhi to provide clarity on the alleged altercation.

Metropolitan Magistrate Gaurav Goyal sanctioned five days of police custody for Kumar, who is scheduled for another court appearance on May 23. Kumar faces charges under various IPC sections, including 308 (attempt to commit culpable homicide), 354B (assault with intent to disrobe), 341 (wrongful restraint), 506 (criminal intimidation), and 509 (insulting the modesty of a woman).

Responding to Kumar’s arrest, CM Kejriwal accused the BJP of engaging in a “Jail Ka Khel” (game of incarcerating leaders) against the AAP. He announced intentions to lead a “Jail Bharo” march to the BJP headquarters on Sunday, accompanied by top party leaders and supporters.

Ahead of the AAP protest, Delhi Police implemented extensive security measures around the BJP’s national headquarters. A traffic advisory warned of potential congestion on DDU Marg, IP Marg, Minto Road, and Vikas Marg, indicating possible closure of DDU Marg between 11 am and 2 pm.

Maliwal’s complaint provided details of the alleged assault, describing Kumar’s actions as involving multiple slaps and brutal dragging while she continued to scream.

As the situation unfolds, public and media attention remains focused on the political and legal ramifications of the incident.