Haryana Home Minister Anil Vij on Tuesday said legal aid will be provided soon at police stations to ensure strict punishment of any accused involved in drug trafficking. State Home Minister Vij was addressing the policemen and others present in a programme of ‘Samvad with the police personnel” organised in Panchkula, an official release said. He informed that the conviction rate of people involved in drug trafficking is 45 percent and “proceedings are being taken for legal aid to increase the conviction rate.”
Drug peddlers get away due to some legal hurdles and loopholes, but if the case against the persons caught in the drug-related case is given legal aid at the very beginning, then the case can be strengthened, the minister said. “So, our government will soon give legal aid at the police station level so that the next life of any accused caught by the police can be spent in jail,” said Vij. Apart from this, Vij said talks will soon be held with the Centre to deport people involved in “Chitta” (synthetic drug) peddling. Many apps, laws and rules have been framed by the government to crack down against criminals. “HAWK” software has been developed to keep the records of such criminals, he said. Drug de-addiction centres will be set up in every district, which will be inspected by officials of the Health, Food and Drug Department so that no wrongdoing can be done there, he said. He further informed that 30 awards will be given to policemen doing excellent work, out of which 10 awards each will be given by the chief minister, the home minister and the director general of police. An announcement in this regard will be made soon.
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