Several teams have been formed to probe the heist at a jewellery shop in south Delhi, a senior police official said on Wednesday. At least three unidentified people broke into the showroom in Bhogal area after drilling a hole in a strong room and decamped with gold ornaments worth over Rs 20 crore on Tuesday, in one of the biggest burglaries reported in the national capital. “We are holding meetings of the teams and have directed them to investigate the matter thoroughly. The teams will work under the guidance of senior police officials. We are also scanning all the CCTV camera footage for important leads,” said the senior Delhi Police official. “The teams are probing every angle, and the culprits will be arrested soon,” the official added. The incident is expected to have occurred between Sunday night and Monday, police said, adding that the shop, Umrao Singh Jewellers, remains closed on Monday. The shop had several CCTV cameras, but they were damaged around midnight on Sunday, police said.
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