Ahead of Independence Day celebrations, Delhi Police apprehended a terrorist sought by the National Investigation Agency (NIA) on Friday, according to police sources. The suspect, Rizwan Ali from Daryaganj, Delhi, was wanted in connection with an alleged ISI module case. Based on confidential information, Delhi Police arrested Ali near Ganga Baksh Marg, close to Biodiversity Park, at around 11 PM. Authorities recovered a.30-bore star pistol, three live cartridges, and two mobile phones from him. A case has been filed at PS Special Cell, Delhi, officials confirmed.

Rizwan, who was part of the Pune Module of ISIS and had been on the run, is now under investigation for his presence in the capital just before Independence Day. The NIA had previously released Rizwan Ali’s photograph along with images of other fugitives with terror links.

Earlier, Delhi Police increased security measures and posted notices featuring terrorists associated with Al Qaeda and Khalistan across the city. They have urged the public to help locate these individuals. The police have announced that informants providing information about the terrorists will receive a “suitable” reward, with their identities kept confidential.

The police stated that these security measures aim to raise public awareness and assist in tracking down terrorists. The posters feature fifteen terrorists, including six linked to Al-Qaeda. In preparation for Independence Day and to bolster national security, Punjab police have also implemented increased security measures, conducting spot checks at all bus stands across the state earlier this week.