Tamil Nadu BJP president K Annamalai today hit out at the ruling DMK in Tamil Nadu while on the Lob Sabha election campaign trail. The saffron party leader is standing for the Lok Sabha seat in Coimbatore and on Friday he was campaigning for the BJP in Tiruvallur district. He stated that Prime Minister Narendra Modi has turned India into the fifth largest economy in the world and that he would come back as prime minister of the country.

The BJP leader posted his speech on X (formerly Twitter), saying, “This is an election for the country. Election for the development of the country. But DMK is campaigning like a state election. AIADMK is campaigning like a local body election. If you elect a member of the ruling party at the centre, you can sit and listen to the development plans for the constituency from the ruling party. We need a BJP MP to act on the development of the constituency instead of the DMK and AIADMK, who have been from the opposition for all these years and have only focused on their own development.”

“We are the fifth largest economy in the world. Per capita income has almost doubled. But in the 33 months since DMK came to power, their only achievement is to have increased the debt of Tamil Nadu. They have put the burden of debt on the youth and children of Tamil Nadu,” he said slamming the DMK and pointed that women were given more opportunities in the political sphere as well by the BJP.

“In Prime Minister Modi’s cabinet, 11 out of 76 ministers are women. But in Tamil Nadu only 2 are women. In Prime Minister Modi’s cabinet, 12 ministers belong to scheduled caste communities. 27 ministers belong to backward communities. But only 2 people in DMK belong to the scheduled community. We have appointed Draupadi Murmu as the President.

Real social justice is in BJP. But in DMK, social justice is only in words,” said Annamalai.

The BJP leader Tamil Nadu added, “Tamil Nadu has a puppet Chief Minister, his son and son-in-law have earned Rs.30,000 crores in a year, as alleged by a Tamil Nadu minister.” He was confident that PM Modi will be back for a third term and that BJP will be at the forefront of change in Tamil Nadu.