Prime Minister Narendra Modi attacked the opposition on Friday in response to the seizure of millions of rupees from a Congress MP during tax raids in Odisha and Jharkhand, saying it is “Modi’s guarantee” that they will have to return every penny that has been “looted” from the public.
In a post on X, Prime Minister Modi stated that he guarantees that every penny that has been taken from citizens will have to be given back.

He also tagged a news report of the Income Tax department recovering Rs 200 crore in cash from various locations of a business group allegedly linked to Congress MP from Jharkhand Dhiraj Prasad Sahu.

“The countrymen should look at the pile of these notes and then listen to the honest ‘speeches’ of their leaders,” he said in a post with several emojis.
“Every penny looted from people will have to be returned. This is Modi’s guarantee,” the PM added.

Detectives investigating income taxes have retrieved over Rs 200 crore in cash from the homes of Jharkhand Congress Rajya Sabha MP Dheeraj Sahu in both Jharkhand and Odisha.
IT raided Dheeraj Sahu’s locations in Jharkhand and Odisha for two days in a row.
On Thursday, raids were carried out at Boudh Distilleries Private Limited (BDPL) in Jharkhand and Odisha.