Prime Minister Narendra Modi hoisted the national flag at the Red Fort in New Delhi on Thursday, marking his 11th consecutive Independence Day ceremony. The 78th Independence Day celebrations began under overcast skies with a slight drizzle. After raising the Tricolour, the Prime Minister received a ‘Rashtriya Salute’ as the Punjab Regiment Military band, led by Subedar Major Rajinder Singh, played the National Anthem.
Earlier in the day, PM Modi greeted the nation on social media, posting on X, “Independence Day greetings to my fellow Indians. Jai Hind!” Upon his arrival at the Red Fort, he was welcomed by Union Defence Minister Rajnath Singh, MoS Defence Sanjay Seth, and Defence Secretary Giridhar Aramane. The Defence Secretary then introduced the General Officer Commanding (GoC) of the Delhi Area, Lieutenant General Bhavnish Kumar, who escorted the Prime Minister to the Saluting Base. There, a combined Inter-Services and Delhi Police Guard presented a general salute, followed by the Prime Minister’s inspection of the Guard of Honour.
This year’s Guard of Honour was coordinated by the Indian Navy and commanded by Commander Arun Kumar Mehta. It comprised one officer and 24 personnel each from the Army, Navy, Air Force, and Delhi Police. The Army contingent was led by Major Arjun Singh, the Navy by Lieutenant Commander Gulia Bhavesh NK, the Air Force by Squadron Leader Akshara Uniyal, and the Delhi Police by Additional DCP Anurag Dwivedi.
After the flag hoisting, two Advanced Light Helicopters Dhruv from the Indian Air Force showered flower petals over the venue, flown by Wing Commanders Amber Agarwal and Rahul Nainwal.
In line with the theme ‘Viksit Bharat @ 2047,’ this year’s celebrations emphasized the government’s vision of transforming India into a developed nation by 2047. Around 6,000 special guests, representing various sectors, were invited to witness the event, enhancing public participation in the festivities.
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