Prime Minister Narendra Modi‘s roadshow in Jamshedpur, Jharkhand, scheduled for Sunday, was canceled due to heavy and continuous rainfall. Jharkhand BJP President Babulal Marandi shared the update on X, stating, “Due to continuous and heavy rains in Jamshedpur, the roadshow of Prime Minister Narendra Modi in the city today has been cancelled for the time being.”
The Prime Minister began his three-day visit to Jharkhand, Gujarat, and Odisha on Sunday. During his visit to Jharkhand, PM Modi is set to flag off six Vande Bharat trains at Tatanagar. Additionally, he will lay the foundation stone for various railway projects valued at over Rs. 660 crores and distribute sanction letters to 20,000 beneficiaries of the Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana-Gramin (PMAY-G).
In a post on X, PM Modi highlighted the government’s commitment to Jharkhand’s rapid development. He stated, “We are determined for the rapid development of Jharkhand. Today at around 10 am, I will have the privilege of flagging off six ‘Vande Bharat’ trains at Tatanagar, as well as laying the foundation stone and inaugurating many more projects. Apart from this, I will also be a part of the program related to the beneficiaries of Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana-Gramin.”
Earlier in the day, the India Meteorological Department (IMD) issued a rain alert for Jharkhand, West Bengal, and Chhattisgarh. According to the IMD, “Deep depression over Gangetic West Bengal moved slowly westward with a speed of 8 kmph during past 6 hours and lay centered at 0530 hours IST of today, the 15th September 2024, over the same region near latitude 22.6° N and longitude 88.0° E, about 40 km west-northwest of Kolkata (West Bengal), 130 km east-southeast of Bankura (West Bengal), 190 km east of Jamshedpur (Jharkhand) and 290 km east-southeast of Ranchi (Jharkhand).”
Also read:
PM Modi to Launch ‘Subhadra Yojana’ in Odisha on September 17: Sambit Patra
Jharkhand: Students Experience Inaugural Ride on Vande Bharat Express in Barhampur
PM Modi Criticizes JMM, Claims Jharkhandis Feel Unsafe Due to Infiltrators
The IMD added that the deep depression is expected to move slowly westwards across Gangetic West Bengal and maintain its intensity until the evening of September 15. It is forecasted to continue moving westwards across Jharkhand and North Chhattisgarh, gradually weakening into a depression over the next 24 hours.
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