Prime Minister Narendra Modi will deliver the 112th episode of his monthly radio program, ‘Mann ki Baat,’ on Sunday at 11 am. This marks the second episode of the show since he began his third consecutive term in office.

In his initial Mann Ki Baat episode following his re-election as Prime Minister, Narendra Modi praised the Election Commission of India (ECI) and expressed gratitude to the public for the successful conduct of the elections.

He stated, “Today, I also thank the countrymen for reiterating their unwavering faith in our Constitution and the democratic systems of the country. The 2024 elections were the biggest elections in the world. An election as big as this, in which 65 crore people cast their votes, has never taken place in any other country in the world.”

The ‘Mann Ki Baat’ program was paused until June due to the Model Code of Conduct (MCC) guidelines from the Election Commission, which prohibit governments from using official events or publicly funded platforms to gain publicity or electoral advantage during election periods.