Prime Minister Narendra Modi is scheduled to address the beneficiaries of the PM SVANidhi scheme at JLN Stadium in the national capital on Thursday. The Prime Minister’s Office has announced that PM Modi will also personally distribute loans to 1 lakh street vendors (SVs), including 5,000 SVs from Delhi, during this event. Additionally, the Prime Minister will lay the foundation stone for two new corridors of Delhi Metro’s Phase 4.

Launched on June 1, 2020, PM SVANidhi aims to provide economic support to marginalized sections, aligning with the Prime Minister’s vision. Amidst the global economic crisis triggered by the pandemic, the scheme has been transformative for marginalized street vendor communities. To date, it has disbursed more than 82 lakh loans, totaling over Rs 10,978 crore, benefiting more than 62 lakh street vendors nationwide. In Delhi alone, nearly 2 lakh loans amounting to Rs 232 crores have been distributed. This scheme remains a beacon of financial inclusion and comprehensive welfare for historically underserved individuals.

Furthermore, during the program, the Prime Minister will lay the foundation stone for two additional corridors of Delhi Metro: Lajpat Nagar – Saket-G Block and Inderlok – Indraprastha. These corridors, collectively spanning over 20 km, aim to enhance connectivity and alleviate traffic congestion in the capital. Stations along the Lajpat Nagar to Saket G-Block corridor will include Lajpat Nagar, Andrews Ganj, Greater Kailash – 1, Chirag Delhi, Pushpa Bhawan, Saket District Centre, Pushp Vihar, and Saket G – Block, as stated in the release. Similarly, stations along the Inderlok – Indraprastha corridor will include Inderlok, Daya Basti, Sarai Rohilla, Ajmal Khan Park, Nabi Karim, New Delhi, LNJP Hospital, Delhi Gate, Delhi Sachivalaya, and Indraprastha.