Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Wednesday accused the Congress of subjecting Sachin Pilot to punishment, similar to the treatment meted out to his father, Rajesh Pilot. He asserted that anyone within the party who speaks the truth is sidelined from politics.
“Whoever said or spoke anything in front of the Congress family…is as good as finished,” he said addressing a public meeting in Kotri of Bhilwara district.
“Rajesh Pilot ji had once challenged this Congress family for good, but this family is such that after punishing Rajesh ji, they are bent upon punishing his son also,” PM Modi said.
He seemed to imply that the late Rajesh Pilot fell out of favour with the Congress leadership after contesting against Sitaram Kesri for the party president’s post in 1997.
Sachin Pilot has been engaged in a power struggle with Rajasthan Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot, a topic that the Prime Minister has been addressing in his election campaign.
Modi also charged that Congress makes anti-people and anti-national decisions. “Congress policy is to be soft on terrorists, rioters and criminals. And the policy of Congress is blatant corruption.These policies of Congress have taken Rajasthan to the top in crime,” he said.
Modi said the pride of Rajasthan is the pride of the entire country, but under the rule of Congress, the culture of Rajasthan is also under great threat.
“The path taken by Congress for appeasement will lead Rajasthan towards destruction. Congress has given free rein to fanatic people here,” he charged.
He said Chief Minister Gehlot does not have the right to stay even for a moment in the state.
“When ministers give clean chit to rapists in the Assembly, how can our mothers, sisters and daughters remain safe? Congress has left no stone unturned in looting Rajasthan in the last five years,” Modi said.
The need of the hour is to remove the Congress government from Rajasthan forever. “Your one vote for lotus can wipe out Congress. The lotus button should be pressed and Congress should be wiped out,” Modi told the gathering.
Earlier addressing a rally in Sagwara of Dungarpur district, Modi asserted that his guarantee outweighs all “false promises” made by the Congress, and asked the people of Rajasthan to wipe out the Gehlot government to free the state from oppression and corruption.