In a candid and unfiltered interview with iTV Network, Prime Minister Narendra Modi tackles some of India’s most hot-button issues. From promising 50 crore jobs to criticising Congress for appeasing the Muslims, Modi doesn’t hold back. He shares his views on the Ram Mandir, vote bank politics, and the Opposition’s frequent attacks on him.

This exclusive interview gives a rare peek into PM Modi’s strategies as the BJP gears up for the 2024 elections with their bold slogan, “Iss baar 400 par.” Prime Minister Narendra Modi in an exclusive conversation with Director, Sunday Guardian Foundation Aishwarya Pandit Sharma, NewsX Editor-in-Chief Rishabh Gulati, and India News Editor-in-Chief Rana Yashwant. This is a sit-down iTVNetwork Exclusive with Prime Minister Narendra Modi.