In a rally in Srinagar, Prime Minister Narendra Modi accused the Congress, National Conference, and PDP of jeopardizing the futures of Jammu and Kashmir’s youth for their political gain. He condemned these parties for “putting stones in the hands of the youths” and claimed they had undermined education and employment opportunities.

“I will not allow another generation to suffer due to these three families,” Modi stated, emphasizing his commitment to restoring peace and providing jobs in the region. He highlighted improvements in education, noting that schools and colleges are now operating smoothly, with new institutions like AIIMS and IITs being established.

Modi asserted that these families view power as their birthright and have only brought fear and chaos to Jammu and Kashmir. He expressed hope that the region’s youth, once hindered by these political dynasties, are now rising against them.

The Jammu and Kashmir assembly elections, the first in a decade, began on September 18, with subsequent rounds scheduled for September 25 and October 1. The results will be counted on October 8.