Prime Minister Narendra Modi praised the Election Commission (EC) on Sunday for using technology to enhance democracy in India. He shared his thoughts during the monthly “Mann ki Baat” broadcast, which coincided with the upcoming EC Foundation Day on January 25, also observed as National Voters’ Day. This comes in the context of continuous opposition criticism about the EC’s alleged bias towards the BJP.
Using Technology to Strengthen Democracy
Modi emphasized how the EC has modernized and strengthened the election process over time. “It has used the power of technology to strengthen people’s power,” he stated. He urged citizens to actively participate in the electoral process, thereby contributing to the empowerment of democracy.
Supporting Electronic Voting Machines (EVMs)
In addition, Modi’s remarks seemed to indirectly defend the use of Electronic Voting Machines (EVMs), which have faced increasing scrutiny from opposition parties. By emphasizing the EC’s commitment to fair elections, his statement appears to endorse the reliability of EVMs in ensuring a transparent election process.
Reflecting on India’s Democracy
Modi also reflected on India’s journey as a democracy, recalling the doubts cast after independence. However, he affirmed, “India is the mother of democracy,” emphasizing that the country has proven its critics wrong and continued to thrive as a democratic nation.
Marking the 75th Anniversary of the Constitution
Looking ahead to Republic Day, Modi highlighted the significance of the 75th anniversary of the Constitution’s implementation. He played audio clips from India’s founding leaders, including Rajendra Prasad, Bhim Rao Ambedkar, and Syama Prasad Mookerjee. These clips underscored the values these leaders promoted, and Modi encouraged the nation to draw inspiration from their vision to build a stronger India.
Unity and Participation at the Maha Kumbh
Shifting focus, Modi also spoke about the ongoing Maha Kumbh in Prayagraj, where people from different castes and regions have come together. He noted that there was no discrimination present, reinforcing the spirit of unity. Furthermore, he highlighted the significant involvement of youth in the event, believing it would strengthen India’s civilizational roots and secure a brighter future.
Pride in Global Recognition of the Mahakumbh
Lastly, Modi expressed pride in the global recognition of the Mahakumbh. He emphasized that its immense popularity is a matter of pride for every Indian, showcasing the cultural significance of the event on the world stage.