On the occasion of Guru Purnima on Sunday, Prime Minister Narendra Modi and other leaders extended their greetings on X. PM Modi shared his best wishes, expressing his greetings to all countrymen on this sacred festival.

“Many best wishes to all the countrymen on the holy festival of Guru Purnima,” Modi said.

Union Home Minister Amit Shah also shared his wishes, highlighting the essential role of Gurus in both society and national development.

“Gurus are the main carriers of the development of any society or nation. With the knowledge gained from years of penance, research, and experience, they take disciples from darkness to light and sow the seeds of character-building and patriotism in them. On the auspicious occasion of Guru Purnima, I pay my tribute to all such Gurus and wish ‘Guru Purnima’ to all the countrymen,” Shah said.

Congress President and Leader of Opposition in Rajya Sabha, Mallikarjun Kharge, also conveyed his greetings, emphasizing the important role of Gurus in one’s life.

“Heartiest greetings of Guru Purnima to all the countrymen. Gurus hold a special importance in our lives. Respectful greetings to all the teachers. This day is an auspicious occasion for us to express our gratitude towards our Gurus, guides, and teachers. We wish that their guidance always illuminates our path and teaches us the right values of living life,” he said.