Starting today, Prime Minister Narendra Modi will embark on a 2-day visit to four southern states to launch various developmental projects worth over Rs 25,000 crore. PM will visit Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh and Telangana on November 11 and 12. The Prime Minister will pay floral tributes to the statues of saint poet Sri Kanaka Dasa and also to Maharshi Valmiki at Vidhana Soudha, Bengaluru. In addition to this he will also flag off south India’s first Vande Bharat Express. PM Modi will inaugurate Terminal 2 of Kempegowda International Airport. Thereafter, at around 12 noon, he will unveil the 108 feet bronze statue of Nadaprabhu Kempegowda, followed by a public function in Bengaluru, as stated by the Prime Minister’s Office.

PM Modi is all set to lay the foundation stone of multiple projects at Visakhapatnam in Andhra Pradesh. The Prime Minister will inaugurate the Terminal 2 of Kempegowda International Airport at Bengaluru, built at a cost of around Rs 5,000 crore. The terminal will double the passenger handling capacity of the airport to 5-6 crore passengers per annum, from the current capacity of about 2.5 crore, according to the PMO.

“The Airport has already established a benchmark in sustainability with 100 per cent usage of renewable energy across the campus. Terminal 2 has been created with sustainability principles woven into the design. Based on the sustainability initiatives, Terminal 2 will be the largest terminal in the world to be pre certified platinum rating by US GBC (green building council) prior to commencing operations. The theme of ‘Naurasa’ unites all the commissioned artworks for Terminal 2. The artworks reflect the heritage and culture of Karnataka as well as the broader Indian ethos,” the PMO said.