At Shree Kalaram Mandir in Nashik, Maharashtra, on Friday, Prime Minister Narendra Modi offered prayers. The epic narrative recitation of the Ramayana, specifically the ‘Yudh Kanda’ segment, which portrays Lord Ram’s return to Ayodhya at the Mandir Sansthan, was attended by PM Modi in addition to the puja ceremonies. When the Prime Minister listened to the Hindi translation via artificial intelligence, there was a striking fusion of tradition and technology. The recitation was performed in Marathi. In Nashik on the anniversary of Swami Vivekananda’s birth, the prime minister also presented flowers to him.
Shree Kalaram Mandir is situated in the Panchavati area of Nashik along the banks of Godavari.
Among the places associated with the Ramayana, Panchavati occupies a special place, as several important events of the Ramayana took place here.
Lord Ram, Goddess Sita, and Lakshman spent a few years in the Dandakaranya forest, which is situated in the Panchavati region.
PM Modi’s visit to the Shree Kalaram temple comes days ahead of the grand ‘Pran-Pratishtha’ ceremony of Ram Lalla in Ayodhya on January 22.
PM Modi will also inaugurate and address the 27th National Youth Festival in Nashik.
Later he is slated to inaugurate the Atal Bihari Vajpayee Sewri-Nhava Sheva Atal Setu, built at a cost of about Rs 17,840 crore.
Atal Setu is the longest bridge and also the longest sea bridge in the country.
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