On Monday, Prime Minister Narendra Modi traveled to the Sanwaliya Seth Temple in Chittorgarh, Rajasthan, and offered prayers there. In Chittorgarh, Rajasthan, the prime minister will dedicate to the nation and lay the cornerstone for a number of construction projects worth roughly Rs 7,000 crore. According to the Prime Minister’s Office, the Mehsana-Bhatinda-Gurdaspur Gas Pipeline will be dedicated by the Prime Minister in order to support a gas-based economy.

“The pipeline has been built at a cost of about Rs 4500 crores. Prime Minister will also dedicate the LPG Plant of HPCL at Abu Road. This plant will bottle and distribute 86 lakh cylinders per annum and will also result in a net reduction in the running of trucks carrying cylinders per annum by around 0.75 million Km, which will help reduce about 0.5 million tons of CO2 emission per annum. He will also dedicate additional storage at Ajmer Bottling Plant, IOCL,” added the release.
Prime Minister will dedicate a 4-lane road on NH-12 (New NH-52) on the Darah-Jhalawar-Teendhar section, which has been constructed at a cost of more than Rs 1480 crores.