Prime Minister Narendra Modi met with legendary actress Vyjayanthimala in Chennai on Monday. PM Modi shared pictures from the meeting on X, including one where he can be seen greeting Vyjayanthimala with folded hands. He wrote, “Glad to have met Vyjayanthimala Ji in Chennai. She has just been conferred the Padma Vibhushan and is admired across India for her exemplary contribution to the world of Indian cinema.”
Recently, veteran actress Hema Malini also visited Vyjayanthimala at her residence. Hema Malini shared a series of pictures on Instagram, where Vyjayanthimala looked elegant in a yellow saree and Hema Malini was dressed in a green suit. Hema Malini described the meeting as the “most memorable day of my life,” expressing her admiration for Vyjayanthimala’s passion for dance and her experiences in the film industry.
Vyjayanthimala began her screen career at 16 with the Tamil film Vaazhkai (1949) and went on to star in iconic films like ‘Devdas’, ‘Sangam’, ‘Madhumanti’, and ‘Naya Daur’. She was honored with the Padma Vibhushan, the nation’s second-highest civilian award, on the eve of Republic Day 2024 as part of the Padma Awards 2024 announcement.
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