Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Wednesday launched the Bharatiya Janata Party’s (BJP) month-long pan-India campaign, ‘Maha Jansampark’, in poll-bound Rajasthan’s Ajmer, covering all 543 Lok Sabha constituencies. PM Modi launched “Maha Jansampark” by addressing a public meeting in Ajmer, Rajasthan. Under this Maha Jansampark, scheduled to be held from May 31 (today) to June 30, extensive public programmes will be done across the country after the completion of nine years at the Centre. Over 51 huge rallies, public meetings at more than 500 places, and over 600 press conferences in over 500 Lok Sabha and 4000 Vidhan Sabha constituencies will be conducted, along with over 5 lakh distinguished families being contacted.
Sharing details of the programme, which is the largest outreach in the BJP’s history, party national general secretary Tarun Chugh, coordinator for the programme, said, “A total of 288 top BJP leaders and 16 lakh party workers will interact with voters at ten lakh booths and 144 clusters covering all Lok Sabha seats to deliver the message of achievements in nine years of the party’s rule at the Centre.”
Yuva Morcha members will meet the beneficiaries of Mudra Loan Yojana, Startup India, etc. at the booths in Beneficiary Sampark, and they will discuss with them the development work done during the past nine years by the BJP government at the Centre. Crores of BJP workers, over 300 MPs, and more than 1400 MLAs will vigorously participate in this programme to bring the public welfare policies and achievements of the Modi government to light. The achievements of the BJP government will reach everyone.
A new voter conference with voters in the age group of 18 to 25 years on 15,931 mandals will be organised. An online quiz at the national-level family meeting will be organised by inviting all the families covered under Anganwadi centres across the country.
Beneficiaries of the nutrition campaign will be specially invited.
PM Kisan Nidhi Beneficiaries will be contacted, and meetings will be held with the presidents of various farmer-producer organisations. Village Chaupal will be organised at mandis with the SPO village head sarpanch under Gramme Chaupal. Gramme Sabha will be organised with unorganised labourers.
A Tribal Gaurav Yatra Morcha is also on the cards, which will contact the beneficiaries of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes across the country. Tribal Gaurav Yatra will be taken out at the district level, and programmes will be organised under the programme of the day, including Lord Birsa Munda, which will be organised with the representatives of Scheduled Tribes.
Beneficiaries of the backward class will be contacted at the booth level. In this programme, direct contact will be made at all the 10 lakh booths in the country, and 10 crore people in India will be connected with this