There had been a lot of speculation in recent weeks as to who Telugu actor-cum-politician, Pawan Kalyan, and his Jana Sena party would support in the upcoming elections. These speculations were laid to rest recently when he decided to form an alliance with the BJP under the NDA. On 7 November, Pawan Kalyan shared the stage with PM Modi and backed Modi’s statement that they would make a backward class leader as CM of Telangana if voted to power.
On Wednesday night, Powerstar Pawan Kalyan officially posted on X (formerly Twitter) why he was backing the BJP and PM Narendra Modi. He called Modi a “visionary leader who is crucial for our nation.”
Pawan Kalyan wrote, “Nation Needs Shri Narendra Modi! @narendramodi ji is a visionary leader who is crucial for our nation as he possesses the ability to see beyond immediate challenges, devise innovative solutions, and inspire progress. He has the ability to steer the country towards a better future by articulating a compelling vision, fostering unity, and driving transformative change across various sectors, ensuring long-term growth and prosperity for all. @JanaSenaParty will support BJP and @narendramodi ji with all its might to make his ‘Vision 2047’ a reality.”
Pawan Kalyan is a very popular Telugu star and he has been reaching out to the people at the grassroot with his yatras in recent times. It was crucial for the BJP to form an alliance with Jana Sena as the Munnuru Kapu community, to which the Powerstar belongs to, forms a significant section among the OBC vote in Telangana.
The BJP and Jana Sena have reached a seat-sharing agreement for the 2023 Telangana elections. Telangana is seen as an important state for the BJP in the 2024 Lok Sabha elections.
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