PM Modi on Thursday inaugurated “Aadi Mahotsav,” the mega National Tribal event at the Major Dhyan Chand National Stadium, Delhi. He also paid floral tributes to tribal freedom fighter, Birsa Munda.
Birsa, who belonged to the Munda tribe was born on November 15 in 1875. During British Rule, in 19th century, he spearheaded an Indian tribal religious Millenarian movement across all the tribal belt of modern-day Bihar and Jharkhand.
His birth anniversary is celebrated as the Birsa Munda Jayanti in the nation and it coincides with the Jharkhand Foundation Day.
As per the statement released by PM office, the Aadi Mahotsav festival, which celebrates the spirit of tribal culture, crafts, cuisine, traditional arts, and commerce is an annual initiative of TRIFED under the Ministry of Tribal Affairs.
This year the festival is being celebrated from Thursday, February 16 to 27. “Since 2023 is being celebrated as the International Year of Millets, along with usual attractions like handicrafts, handloom, pottery, jewellery etc, a special focus in the Mahotsav will be on showcasing Shree Anna grown by tribals,” the PMO statement reads.
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