The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) has started preparations for Mission 2024 by remembering Kalyan Singh, former chief minister and leader of the Ram Mandir movement, on his second death anniversary. Union Home Minister Amit Shah, who reached Aligarh’s exhibition ground on his death anniversary, called Kalyan Singh the hero of the Ram temple movement and said that instead of firing on Ram devotees, he thought it appropriate to leave the post of chief minister. Describing him as a big leader of the backward, Shah tried to help the OBCs as well.
Former Chief Minister Kalyan Singh had passed away on August 21, 2021. Belonging to backward Lodh caste, he was the CM of UP twice, and also during the crucial Ayodhya Movement.
As the BJP is celebrating former CM’s second death anniversary as Hindu Pride Day, the Union Home Minister Amit Shah recalled his contribution to the Ram Mandir movement.
While addressing a huge gathering in Aligarh, Shah said that the saffron party has a target of getting 80 out of 80 in the upcoming Parliamentary polls of 2024. He further said the PM Modi is on a mission mood to complete the work, left by then Chief Minister Kalyan Singh. He also reminded the gathering about the work and effort of the Centre in raising the living standard of backward class people of the country and state.