Prime Minister Narendra Modi inaugurated three new Vande Bharat Express trains via video conference on Saturday, marking a significant step in India’s journey toward becoming a developed nation with advanced infrastructure. The newly launched trains will operate on the Meerut-Lucknow, Madurai-Bengaluru, and Chennai-Nagercoil routes.

During the inauguration, PM Modi emphasized that the expansion of Vande Bharat trains symbolizes India’s progress towards “Viksit Bharat” with modernity and speed. He highlighted the importance of connecting key regions, including religious sites, through these high-speed trains, stating that the Madurai-Bengaluru Vande Bharat will be particularly beneficial for pilgrims, while the Chennai-Nagercoil route will serve students, farmers, and IT professionals.

The Prime Minister underscored the crucial role of Southern India’s development in achieving the national goal of a developed India. He pointed out that the government has prioritized the development of Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, and other southern states, with substantial budget allocations for railway infrastructure. For instance, Tamil Nadu received over Rs 6,000 crores in the current railway budget, which is seven times more than the 2014 allocation, while Karnataka received over Rs 7,000 crores, a ninefold increase from 2014.

PM Modi noted that the new Vande Bharat trains would save significant travel time on their respective routes, enhancing connectivity and convenience for passengers in Uttar Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, and Karnataka. These trains represent a step forward in providing world-class travel facilities to the people of these regions, contributing to increased tourism, business growth, and employment opportunities.