On Sunday, Prime Minister Narendra Modi sent his best wishes to the nation’s citizens on the auspicious occasion of “Chhath,” an ancient Hindu festival dedicated to the solar deity Surya. I’m sending my warmest regards to your entire family on this auspicious Sandhya Arghya of Mahaparva Chhath. May everyone experience a renewed sense of vigor and excitement from worshiping the Sun God. Hathi Maiya Jai Chhathi!” On X, Prime Minister Modi shared content from his official account.
Yogi Adityanath, the chief minister of Uttar Pradesh, also sent his best wishes to the people on Chhath, asking that Lord Bhaskar and Chhathi Maiya’s blessings cover the world in a golden glow of joy, prosperity, and good news. “On this great festival of sun worship and folk faith, Chhath, I extend my sincere congratulations and best wishes to all of the devotees and people of the state! With the holy blessings of Lord Bhaskar and Chhathi Maiya, it is my wish that the entire world be illuminated with the light of happiness, prosperity, and good fortune. Hathi Maiya Jai Chhathi!” On X, CM Yogi shared content from his official account.
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