In line with the Centre’s thrust for employment under the Rozgar Mela, Prime Minister Narendra Modi distributed around 71,000 appointment letters to the newly recruited via video conferencing. The Rozgar Mela is a step towards the fulfilment of the commitment of the Prime Minister to accord the highest priority to employment generation.

The Rozgar Mela is expected to act as a catalyst in further employment generation and provide meaningful opportunities to the youth for their empowerment and participation in national development directly, said PMO.  Earlier in October, appointment letters were handed over to 75,000 newly inducted appointees under Rozgar Mela.
“The physical copies of the appointment letters to the new appointees will be handed over at 45 locations across the country (except Gujarat and Himachal Pradesh),” the statement said.

The Prime Minister further highlighted that India has emerged out as a massive power in the world in service export. As per experts, India is on the path to becoming the manufacturing house of the world, he said.

Except Gujarat and Himachal Pradesh, physical copies of appointment letters were handed over at 45 locations across the country as model code of conduct is in force in these two states.   

“They will also get an opportunity to explore other courses on platform to enhance their knowledge, skills and competencies,” the PMO statement said.