Responding to Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s instructions, Minister Kirti Vardhan Singh (Minister of State for External Affairs Government of India) sped up the collection of DNA samples from the fire victims. The tragic incident prompted urgent efforts to identify and bring back the deceased Indian workers. Working with Kuwaiti authorities and forensic experts, Singh ensured that DNA analysis was completed swiftly within just two days
A fire broke out at a construction site in Kuwait, resulting in the deaths of 45 Indians out of which 23 were from Kerela, seven from Tamil Nadu, three from Andra Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh, two from Odissa and one each from Bihar, Punjab, Karnataka, Maharashtra, West Bengal, Jharkhand and Haryana. Concerned about the family’s awaiting news of their loved ones, PM Modi instructed immediate action to facilitate identification and the return of remains to their homes in India. Minister Singh proactively approached collaboration with Indian embassies in Kuwait and coordinated closely with local officials for a smooth process.
Under Singh’s leadership, the necessary DNA samples were collected from the victims’ relatives and quickly processed in Kuwait. The efficient handling of this task minimized the mental suffering of families waiting for closure and enabled the quick transportation of the deceased to their grieving families in India.
The tragic incident highlights the challenges faced by migrant workers abroad and the critical role of diplomatic efforts in crisis management. The Indian government’s rapid response and Minister Singh’s proactive measures not only demonstrated effective governance but also provided comfort to the grieving families during this difficult time.
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