Prime Minister Narendra Modi has officially declared assets worth Rs 3.02 crore in his nomination papers filed for the Varanasi Lok Sabha seat. According to these documents, PM Modi does not own a house or a car but holds Rs 52,920 in cash and has bank deposits amounting to 2.85 crore. His gold investments stand at Rs 2.67 lakh in the form of four gold rings, and he has also invested Rs 9.12 lakh in National Savings Certificates, which has seen an increase from his previous investments.
During the nomination filing process, PM Modi disclosed his educational qualifications, mentioning that he holds an MA degree from Gujarat University, graduated from Delhi University in 1978, and passed the SSC exam from the Gujarat board in 1967. He also listed ‘salary from government’ and ‘interest from bank’ as his sources of income.
In his nomination papers, PM Modi named Jashodaben as his wife, but her source of income and profession were marked as ‘not known’. He declared having no pending criminal cases or government dues against him.
The nomination filing event was marked by a significant gathering of political leaders, including Union Home Minister Amit Shah, Defence Minister Rajnath Singh, BJP President JP Nadda, and several other NDA leaders. PM Modi sought blessings at Kashi, performed rituals at Dashaswamedh Ghat on the auspicious occasion of Ganga Saptami, and visited the Kaal Bhairav temple before filing his nomination.
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