Prime Minister Narendra Modi extended his condolences on Sunday to the families of the nine children who died when a wall collapsed in Sagar district, Madhya Pradesh. In a post on X from the Prime Minister’s Office, Modi described the incident as “heartbreaking” and offered his sympathy to the grieving families, wishing them strength and hoping for the swift recovery of the injured.

The Prime Minister has announced an ex-gratia of Rs 2 lakh from the Prime Minister’s Relief Fund (PMNRF) for each deceased victim’s family, and Rs 50,000 for those injured. An official PMO statement confirmed these financial provisions.

Earlier, President Droupadi Murmu also expressed sorrow over the tragic loss, calling the accident in Sagar “heart-wrenching” and offering prayers for the families and a speedy recovery for the injured.

The wall collapse occurred around 8:30 a.m., reportedly due to heavy rainfall the previous night. Minister Govind Rajput stated that the administration is actively addressing the situation. Chief Minister has announced financial aid of Rs 4 lakh to the families of the deceased and Rs 1 lakh to the injured.

District Collector Deepak Arya reported that local police and rescue teams have begun operations at the site. Nine children have been confirmed dead, and two others have been taken to a nearby hospital for treatment.