As the scorching heatwave grips the nation, the Lok Sabha elections have heated up as well. After the conclusion of the third phase of polling, Prime Minister Narendra Modi launched a fresh attack on the Congress and Rahul Gandhi. Employing a tactic frequently used by Gandhi himself, Modi targeted Adani and Ambani, seemingly shifting the narrative against the Wayanad MP. He alleged that the Congress is amassing black money from these industrial giants to shield them from scrutiny.

PM Modi’s recent move marks the debut of him using Ambani and Adani as ammunition against the Congress. Until now, it’s been the Congress targeting the PM and the BJP, alleging their favoritism towards industrialists. The accusations have centered on claims of writing off loans worth crores for big corporations while imposing burdensome conditions on farmers for smaller loans.

During a public address in Telangana, Prime Minister Modi remarked, “You’ve surely noticed that the Congress prince has been consistently targeting [Mukesh] Ambani and [Gautam] Adani for five years. However, right after the election announcement, the attacks abruptly ceased. The prince should disclose the amount he received from Ambani and Adani for the elections. How much black money did he accept from them? What arrangement was struck with Ambani and Adani that led to the sudden halt in criticism after years of vehement attacks? This suggests a significant influx of illicit funds.”

Prime Minister Narendra Modi leveled allegations against the Congress and the BRS, accusing them of engaging in appeasement politics in collaboration with Asaduddin Owaisi’s AIMIM. He claimed that the Congress and BRS had effectively handed over Hyderabad to the AIMIM on a long-term lease. However, he asserted that the BJP has emerged as a formidable challenger in the region. Despite this, Modi contended that both the Congress and the BRS are determined to secure victory for the AIMIM.