Prime Minister Narendra Modi Sunday targeted the movie The Sabarmati Report, an account of events preceding the 2002 Godhra train carnage. “They have exposed the truth,” said Modi while attacking the movie for its being “a false story that can last only for some time”.
Commenting on the film, which features actors Vikrant Massey, Raashii Khanna, and Ridhi Dogra, Modi says: “It’s good that this truth is coming out, and that too in a way common people can see it.
This appreciation came in the wake of a review by an X user who termed the film as a “must-watch,” while appreciating the way it had handled the sensitive issue with dignity and revealed the truth behind the tragedy in which 59 people lost their lives, including women and children. The film directed by Dheeraj Sarna has hit the screens on November 15 and discusses the events that led to the 2002 riots in Gujarat. He criticized, in particular, the way certain groups were politicizing the tragedy to besmirch one leader’s image.
Actor Vikrant Massey thanked PM Modi by saying that it was a great encouragement to the team. Producer Ekta Kapoor thanked him by posting her gratitude on X: “Respected Prime Minister, thank you very much for your positive words on *The Sabarmati Report*. They have boosted our morale. Your appreciation proves that we are heading in the right direction. Thank you for this love and support.”
The Sabarmati Express was attacked on February 27, 2002, when it stopped near Godhra station en route from Muzaffarpur to Ahmedabad. The train was stoned and four coaches were torched, leading to the deaths of 59 people, among whom were 27 women and 10 children. Riots erupted in many areas of Gujarat following the incident and lasted for months.
The Godhra tragedy and the riots that followed are an important chapter in modern Indian history, characterized by deep communal divisions and dramatic political consequences. Notwithstanding the violent aftermath, no wrongdoing was attributed to PM Modi at that time, for then he was Chief Minister of Gujarat.
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