A recent chargesheet filed by Navi Mumbai police has uncovered a chilling plot to assassinate Bollywood icon Salman Khan, allegedly orchestrated by five individuals associated with gangster Lawrence Bishnoi’s criminal network. According to the chargesheet, the accused were involved in a conspiracy to eliminate Khan, offering a substantial sum of Rs 25 lakh for his assassination.

The plan involved acquiring sophisticated weaponry, including a Turkish-made Zigana pistol similar to one used in a previous attack on a Punjabi singer. Additionally, the group aimed to procure high-powered rifles such as the M16, AK-47, and AK-92 from an arms dealer based in Pakistan. Their intended targets included Khan’s residence in Mumbai’s upscale Bandra area and his farmhouse in Panvel.

The chargesheet also implicates Lawrence Bishnoi and his younger brother Anmol Bishnoi, currently incarcerated in Ahmedabad’s Sabarmati prison, along with 15 others in connection with a shooting incident outside Khan’s home on April 14. The investigation was prompted by intelligence received in late 2023, prompting Navi Mumbai police to monitor social media and communication channels used by the Bishnoi gang.

Vivek Pansare, Deputy Commissioner of Police Zone II (Panvel), emphasized the proactive measures taken by law enforcement to thwart the alleged plot. The revelations have sparked widespread concern about the security of celebrities in India’s entertainment industry, highlighting the persistent threat posed by organized crime and the need for enhanced protective measures.

As legal proceedings continue, authorities remain vigilant in safeguarding Salman Khan and other high-profile personalities from potential threats. The chargesheet serves as a stark reminder of the complex challenges in ensuring public safety amidst evolving criminal tactics and international connections.