Music composer Jatin Pandit recently got candid with NewsX as part of its special series NewsX India A-List. Popularly known by the name Jatin-Lalit, they duo have delivered timeless songs in movies like ‘Dilwale Dulhaniya Le Jayenge’,  ‘Kabhi Khushi Kabhi Gham’ and ‘Kuch Kuch Hota Hai’ among many other blockbusters. The composer has now ventured into independent music with his first ever non-film music album called Dhadakte Rehna. In the exclusive interview with NewsX, Jatin reminisced upon his Bollywood journey so far, inspiration behind his new single and much more.

Speaking about the inspiration behind his new single Dhadakte Rehna, Jatin said, ”I was just sitting at home, utilising my time by playing some tune on my guitar. The rhythm and the words of this song hit out of nowhere. I was just humming the words and playing the tune accordingly. It felt really unique and pleasing to my ears and I realised that it had created a melody. My son Rahul, heard it and insisted me to complete the song.”

Underlining the meaning of the lyrics, he said, ”To me, it seemed like a new approach. When I reviewed the lyrics after writing a few lines, I knew that it was going to be a really different and good.  That’s when I decided to complete it. We decided to shoot the song and started our hunt for a few locations and finally decided to shoot in West Coast California. We shot the whole sequence with Rahul and a Mexican model named Jessica Lopez, who was really good, and the chemistry between the two looks amazing.”

Speaking about the experience of creating an independent music single, Mr. Jatin expressed that the entire experience has been amazing. ”The song was shot during the Covid-19 pandemic. The presence of Rahul in the video really appeals to the youth and re-generates the young-love element in the video. It was really a special moment for me,” he added.

When asked about his opinion on the changing trends in the music industry, Jatin Pandit said, ”With the advent of technology, new trends have emerged in the music industry, which I think is good. Music has evolved with time. Now, there are many music directors and background singers. Earlier, the music used to be so good that people would forget the stories, the films but good music stayed in their memories forever.”

When asked about his favourite song, he said, “Nothing like ‘Pehla Nasha’, composed by my brother Lalit Pandit and I, has ever been created or can be created in future. I believe that the song is immortal.” The interview ended on a musical note as Rahul Pandit joined his father for a brief moment and crooned a few lines of ‘Pehla Nasha’.