BJP leader Pema Khandu was sworn in as the Chief Minister of Arunachal Pradesh for a third consecutive term on Thursday. The swearing-in ceremony, held at DK State Convention Centre in Itanagar, was attended by Union Ministers Amit Shah, JP Nadda, Kiren Rijiju, and Assam Chief Minister Himanta Biswa Sarma.

Khandu, who first became Chief Minister in 2016, was re-elected as the leader of the BJP Legislature Party in Arunachal Pradesh on Wednesday, setting the stage for his third term. The invitation to form the government came from Arunachal Pradesh Governor Lieutenant General KT Parnaik (retd.).

In the recent elections, which were held simultaneously with the Lok Sabha elections, the BJP secured 46 out of 60 seats in the Arunachal Pradesh assembly. Notably, the party won ten seats unopposed before the elections took place.