Andhra Pradesh Deputy Chief Minister and Janasena Party chief Pawan Kalyan has introduced the *Narasimha Varahi Brigade*, a new party wing focused on defending Sanatana Dharma amidst recent controversies. Emphasizing respect for all religions, Kalyan warned that those who criticize or disrespect Sanatana Dharma will face consequences, explaining that this new brigade will work to safeguard its values.

The decision follows recent allegations regarding the use of adulterated ghee in *prasadam* at Tirumala’s Sri Venkateswara Swamy Temple. Speaking at the Varahi Declaration in Tirupati, Kalyan advocated for a national law to protect Sanatana Dharma, calling for an Act that would be enforced uniformly across India. He also proposed a Sanatana Dharma Protection Board at the national and state levels to ensure this law’s proper implementation, alongside a certification process to guarantee purity in materials used for temple offerings.

Additionally, Kalyan highlighted his commitment to preserving the Sri Lakshmi Narasimha Temple in Jaganathapuram, pledging ₹4.5 crore for its development and promising an investigation into unauthorized activities near the temple site.