Recently, actor-turned-politician Pawan Kalyan was sworn in as a cabinet minister in Andhra Pradesh. He assumed this role as the Telugu Desam Party’s (TDP) chief, Chandrababu Naidu, retained the Chief Minister position. Kalyan, leading the Janasena Party and part of the National Democratic Alliance (NDA), emerged as the Legislative party leader. The NDA, comprising TDP, Janasena Party, and Bharatiya Janata Party, secured a significant victory in the Andhra Pradesh Assembly elections, claiming 164 out of 175 seats.

Kalyan, anticipated to become the deputy chief minister, won his assembly seat from Pithapuram in East Godavari district. His party, Janasena, achieved a clean sweep, winning all 21 assembly seats and both Lok Sabha seats contested. Prior to his political foray, Kalyan garnered fame as a prominent actor in the Telugu film industry, with notable films like “Tholi Prema” and “Gabbar Singh” under his belt. He founded the Janasena Party in 2014 and has been actively involved in state politics since then.

Kalyan’s political journey faced ups and downs, notably during the 2019 elections when his party failed to secure a significant number of seats. However, his alliance with the TDP in the 2024 elections proved fruitful, leading to his ministerial appointment. Prime Minister Narendra Modi lauded Kalyan’s political prowess, describing him as a force to be reckoned with, likening him to a storm (‘aandhi’) in politics.

Kalyan’s ascent from the silver screen to the political realm signifies a significant transition, promising new dynamics in Andhra Pradesh politics.