Union Minister Chirag Paswan and Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) MP Kangana Ranaut shared a candid moment on Wednesday while entering the Parliament building. In a video circulating on the internet, both leaders can be seen laughing and high-fiving each other. Earlier this month, Paswan and Ranaut made headlines when they met for the first time after being elected in the Lok Sabha polls.
Meanwhile, NDA nominee Om Birla was elected as the Lok Sabha Speaker after a motion moved by Prime Minister Narendra Modi was adopted through voice votes. Pro-tem Speaker B Mahtab made the announcement after the Opposition, which had proposed Congress MP Kodikunnil Suresh as its candidate, did not press for votes on the motion. Additionally, Rae Bareli MP Rahul Gandhi was chosen to be the Leader of the Opposition in the Lok Sabha.
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Police vehicles, sirens blaring, patrolled the areas between the starting points.
The Corruption Investigation Office for High-Ranking Officials has sought a warrant to formally arrest Yoon.
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