Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar commenced the inaugural day of the Haryana State Legislative Assembly’s three-day Monsoon Session on Friday by reading a condolence resolution. The Chief Minister condoled the demise of the late Sardar Parkash Singh Badal, former Chief Minister of Punjab and late Ratan Lal Kataria, Member of Parliament from Ambala. Former CM and Leader of Opposition, Bhupinder Singh Hooda also read out a condolence resolution that paid respects to freedom fighters, martyred soldiers of the state, and victims of the Balasore tragedy and terror attacks.
The Chief Minister also conveyed his congratulations to Prime Minister Narendra Modi, as well as scientists and the people of Haryana for the success of Chandrayaan-3. Former CM Bhupinder Singh Hooda added that this feat was not achieved in a day and that Haryana had played an important role in the success of the moon mission. “Every Prime Minister has contributed to this,” Hooda further said. Following Hooda’s remarks, a debate ensued between him and Home Minister Anil Vij. The state Home Minister said the former CM should have taken PM Modi’s name as the moon mission was achieved during his tenure.
The main points of discussion during question hour included transport and connectivity. Deputy CM Dushyant Chautala updated the house about railway development in the state, stating a total of eight railway overbridges are to be built on important stretches of roads in the state. Adampur MLA Bhavya Bishnoi then raised the issue of roadworks, adding that three roads in Adampur Halke were in bad shape. However, the Deputy CM did not respond, only saying that roadworks would “start soon”.
Three Congress MLAs later raised a motion in the House, which was rejected by Speaker Gyanchand Gupta. MLA Bibi Batra and Bhupinder Singh Hooda both questioned the Speaker’s decision. The Congress also raised the issue of the Parivar Pehchan Patra (family identity card) to which CM Khattar said all rules would be implemented during this session. The CM also promised that issues faced by vehicle and apartment owners would be rectified and that the state had issued 12.50 lakh new ration cards. After CM, now Leader of Opposition Bhupinder Singh Hooda started reading the condolence message. He also paid tribute to the freedom
The government is expected to table several important bills during this session, which will last till 29 August. One of these is a bill for the floor-wise registration of buildings which will allow people to register residential and commercial buildings. The rates of floor-wise registrations will also be fixed. Tremendous uproar is expected as the session progresses. The Opposition has prepared to corner the government while the ruling alliance is ready to answer whatever question that is aimed at it.
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